The project is implemented under Eastern Poland Operational Programme, Priority axis 1 Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland, Measure 1.1 Start-up platforms for new ideas, Sub-measure 1.1.2 Development of start-ups in Eastern Poland
Project title:
LACRES – automatic modular system for the preparation of organic traditional semi-hard cheeses for wholesale
Project objective:
The aim of the project is to introduce to the market a proprietary, innovative technology for an automatic system of module system for the preparation of ecological, traditional semi-hard cheeses for wholesale.
Planned effects:
The project involves the introduction of an innovative cheese preparation technology to the European market in the form of a modular, automatic and adaptive technological line, which can be used by companies involved in the production, processing and distribution of traditional semi-hard cheeses. The developed solution (adaptive process line) automates, optimises and improves the quality and repeatability of the process of preparing semi-hard cheeses intended for sous-vide, i.e. cheeses ready for wholesale, i.e. washed from morge, dried, portioned and packaged.
Value of the project: 1 330 154,00 PLN
Contribution of European Funds: 992 630,00 PLN